The last couple of days have been a complete nightmare. First I lose my favorite pair of jeans, only for a day though, as it mysteriously finds its way back into my room. But before I could really begin to celebrate, my cell phone goes missing! Well that was my fault though I guess. I went shopping for my Dad and when I found something really nice for him on one of the shelves, the excitement kind of led to a swap – the cell phone goes onto the rack and the kurta into my bag. Its only when I get home, I realize, I don’t have my cell phone. And though I did rush back to the shop, hoping for the impossible, the effort’s all but rewarding. So I come back to my room and start packing as I had to leave for home the next afternoon, only to realize that the worst is far from over. I couldn’t find my digi cam, my first buy from my first salary, and a gift to my mom. I searched in every possible corner but to no avail. Haven’t been able to sleep since then! It’s going to be almost 48 hours now! Wait, there’s more to come. On my way to the station, the cab breaks down. The driver tried to repair it but I somehow knew what was coming. Called for another cab, and reached the station just in time. For once, I was glad that the Indian Railways is more often than not, behind schedule! I am sure I’ll have a lot more to share very soon and continue this article! A lot more additions to what’s gone missing! Coz as they say “All’s not lost yet” and I still have many more things that can be taken care of!