Thursday, August 23, 2012

Looking for... MYSELF

Other’s behavior often baffles us… But it’s my own behavior of late that has left me baffled more than anything else! Has Left me very puzzled too…
While others (friends and family) have been complaining for a while, the reality has dawned upon me only now.

The ever so gregarious me has suddenly turned into a social recluse. No social life at all – neither virtual nor real…
The vagabond in me seems to have died an abrupt death!
The butterflies in the garden don’t bring a smile to my face anymore.
The once-upon-a-time lazy girl (and my Symbi roomie will testify and confirm) has become a workaholic!
My temper has begun to get the better of me… And more often than not…
I haven’t sung a song in ages now… I could croon the weirdest and most of unheard of songs in a single breath, but now, I struggle to sing even the ones I loved the most!

And the worst part is – I am still trying to figure out what has happened! And why! And when! When did I become the person I have? I can’t even relate to the person I have eventually become! Why can I not enjoy the small wonders around me anymore? What do I need to bring back to life the vivacious and carefree person inside of me?

Time to do some serious soul searching I guess!
And find myself again…