Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Where have I been!!

Well, I’ve been away from the blogging circuit for quite some time! Don’t know whether I was missed!
Well the reason I was away might sound weird and strange to a few.. and yet a few may identify with it too!
College days are coming to an end! And life’s never going to be the same again! Thankfully, most of my friends are placed and hence, we decided that we’d spend every single minute that we possibly can – Together! – doing and bettering things we’ve done in the last one and a half years –

Idle strolls around the college,

Chai at tapri,

Finding out new places to eat out at (be it a new restaurant or the latest tapri to join the already existing clutter),

Finally executing all the trips we had meticulously planned out over the months and for some reason, they never happened…

Then of course, there was Symbi Olympics…

The new year's eve…

Lohri celebrations...



And what not…

And when we didn’t have any reason to celebrate, we were looking for reasons to and that took quite sometime too!

And yet, when we still found no reason, that was a reason good enough too – running out of reasons!! 

The last few months I’ve seen how the groups have considerably dissolved (down with Groupism!!), how some of us are really eager to get back to the corporate world and yet how a lot of us are dreading that! Most people’s status messages read – “the best days of my life coming to an end!” or “I’ll miss u guys!!” and so on! People are uploading pics on various networking sites about “life @ Symbi” and the likes… Suddenly, no one wants to bunk classes because we aren’t sure when again in life will we experience the joy of sitting in a class – passing messages, kicking someone’s shoes around the class, kicking a friend’s chair while he/she pretends to be attentive, tickling someone, pulling someone’s hair, scribbling love notes (class notes are passé!!), looking at the clock every 5 minutes wondering when the lecture will get over, sleeping with our eyes open (the art we’ve so mastered!) or just stealing glances at our secret crush!

All this and soooo much more is what kept me busy the last few months! Hope, I’m excused for my inexcusable absence!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I am sure no body missed you least in the "Blogging Circuit" ...and i am sure a billion others did not cos they have no clue that you have a blog ... with a name that tries to confuse it "annie" in "anna frank".."annie besant"..."or "Anna nicole smith".."Annie Proulx " or "Annie Leibovitz " ...the last two i googled and they happen to be famous people....
    But ya i like your post ..We all feel the same :)but hey ... Happy days end ...but only for Happier times ahead !!!!!!

  3. happier times ahead!! waiting for them now!!
    hope its not a long wait! and yeah..about annie.. can't be undone! :)

  4. sooo trueee... more than college.. i think ill miss "U" guyss! hehe the "U" was for ashwin... as in the capital U...

  5. Anuuuuu..nice blog..I am sure good tidings and "happier times" are surely ahead waiting just for you.
