Thursday, January 8, 2009

The wonder called Life!

The sun beams down on me resplendently again,
The wind rushes against me... liberating me from all pain.
The mischievous stars twinkle in the sky...
and look at her... as she wanders aimlessly... that Butterfly!!
The bright yellow paper boat afloat in the puddle,
And the kittens in a corner... as they huddle.
The raindrops fall from the heavens and hit my face...
Feels like a whole new me is born again.
It fills me with happiness and joy to the core...
That i shall wake up tomorrow, and experience these wonders... once more !!

1 comment:

  1. Good one after all those senti ones .. I do hope that a whole new sunshine is waiting to dawn on your face .. It's really sad that in the creation of the concrete jungle, we have lost these butterflies,kittens and these gardens.. I truly fear whether our future generation will ever see any of this to write of it some time ..
